2XD NL BV is a portfolio company for investments and activities of the two shareholders. 2XD stands for: two times D: Dieuwke Hoogland and Duke Urbanik.
We help companies prepare for growth. Amongst others by scanning the company’s legal and organisational structure, or by providing strategy advice and coaching it’s execution.
We love innovation, and often you need to find innovation by bringing like-minded people together – in a community or in a new initiative or concept. Besided being coaches for startup and scaleups, we founded the Venture Generator and brought together two communities: Female Ventures and ScaleUpDelta.
The Venture Generator designs and creates startups by design. Clients are corporates who have ideas, pains or gains but no people, time or knowledge to execute it by themselves.
The Venture Generator designs and creates startups by design. Clients are corporates who have ideas, pains or gains but no people, time or knowledge to execute it by themselves.
the Venture Generator has created a successor for itself: the Masters of Scale.
Female Ventures is a non-profit organisation that stimulates and supports female leadership and entrepreneurship in corporates, SMEs and start-ups.
Female Ventures is now active in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Delft, Utrecht and Eindhoven.
ScaleUpDelta is a community of over 200 Scaleup Entrepreneurs, originated from a small group of YES!Delft companies. who wanted to share business learnings.
Meetups are several times a year to discuss common business challenges and to learn.
For more than 10 years, we are giving back the experiences and learnings from our previous successes and failures. As Entrepreneur in Residence at YES!Delft or as negotiator or business fundamentals consultant, we can be involved in preparing your company for growth. This includes a company fundamentals scan and strategy development